New York LLC: Cost Breakdown, Pros and Cons, Requirements

Limited Liability Companies, commonly known as LLCs, have become a cornerstone in the world of business entities.

These flexible and versatile structures provide entrepreneurs and businesses with a powerful tool to navigate the complex terrain of commerce.

LLCs have garnered significant attention due to their ability to offer both liability protection and operational flexibility.

You may use our free LLC cost calculator by state to find out filing fees, tax percentages, income taxes, and more.

New York LLC points

About New York LLC

When entrepreneurs and businesses contemplate forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC), New York often emerges as a prominent choice, and this selection is not without reason.

New York’s appeal for LLC formation is rooted in its dynamic business environment, legal advantages, and commitment to fostering a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Why New York?

Economic Hub: New York is a global economic hub, housing major financial institutions, multinational corporations, and a diverse range of industries.

As such, it provides a fertile ground for businesses to connect, grow, and access an extensive network of resources and opportunities.

Legal Framework: New York’s legal framework is well-established and adaptable, making it conducive for businesses of various sizes and industries.

The state’s business laws are designed to ensure the smooth operation of LLCs while maintaining robust corporate governance standards.

Financial Capital: With Wall Street at its heart, New York offers access to abundant capital markets, venture capital firms, and angel investors.

This financial prowess makes it an attractive destination for startups seeking funding and expansion.

Cultural and Creative Hub: Beyond finance and commerce, New York is a cultural and creative epicenter.

It attracts talent from around the world in fields such as technology, arts, media, and fashion, fostering innovation and creativity.

Global Reach: Situated on the eastern seaboard of the United States, New York’s strategic location facilitates international trade and commerce.

Its ports, airports, and well-developed infrastructure support global business operations.

Cost Breakdown

Starting and maintaining an LLC in New York involves various costs and fees. Below is a breakdown of the key expenses associated with forming and running an LLC in the state:

New York
Filing Fee$200
Biennial Statement fee$9
State Income Tax4% to 10.90%
Sales Tax4.00%
Corporate Income Tax6.50% to 7.25%

Filing Fee: To establish your LLC in New York, you’ll need to pay a filing fee of $200. This fee covers the administrative costs of processing your LLC formation documents with the state.

Biennial Statement Fee: New York requires LLCs to file a Biennial Statement every two years. The filing fee for the Biennial Statement is $9.

This statement ensures that the state has up-to-date information about your LLC.

State Income Tax: New York imposes a state income tax on individuals and businesses. The income tax rate for LLCs varies based on income levels and ranges from 4.00% to 10.90%.

LLC members report their share of LLC income on their personal tax returns.

Sales Tax: New York levies a state sales tax rate of 4.00% on the sale of most tangible personal property and some services.

However, local jurisdictions may impose additional sales taxes, so the total rate can vary by location.

Corporate Income Tax: While LLCs are typically pass-through entities for tax purposes, New York does have a corporate income tax rate ranging from 6.50% to 7.25% for corporations.

Some LLCs with certain elections may be subject to the corporate tax rate.

Pros and Cons of Forming an LLC in New York

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in New York offers various advantages and disadvantages that entrepreneurs and business owners should carefully consider.

Here, we’ll explore the pros and cons of choosing New York as the location for your LLC.

Pros and Cons New York LLC


Robust Business Ecosystem: New York boasts a thriving business ecosystem, making it an ideal destination for startups and established companies alike.

Access to financial institutions, investors, and a diverse talent pool can accelerate business growth.

Limited Liability Protection: One of the primary benefits of an LLC is limited liability protection.

In New York, LLC members’ personal assets are typically shielded from business debts and legal liabilities, providing security and peace of mind.

Access to Capital: New York is home to Wall Street and numerous financial institutions, offering unparalleled access to capital markets, venture capital, and angel investors.

Securing funding for your business can be more accessible in this financial hub.

Cultural and Creative Hub: New York is a global cultural and creative center, attracting talent from various industries, including technology, arts, media, and fashion.

This vibrant environment fosters innovation and creativity.


High Operating Costs: New York’s cost of living and doing business can be relatively high, including expenses such as rent, utilities, and labor.

This can put financial pressure on startups and small businesses.

Complex Regulatory Environment: New York has a complex regulatory framework, including tax regulations, labor laws, and business licensing requirements.

Navigating these regulations may require professional guidance.

High Taxes: New York’s tax rates, both for individuals and businesses, can be among the highest in the nation. LLC members may face significant state income tax liabilities, impacting profitability.

Competition: The intense competition in New York can be both an advantage and a challenge. While it offers access to a vast customer base, businesses must differentiate themselves to succeed in a crowded market.

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Requirements to Form an LLC in New York

Forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in New York involves adhering to specific legal requirements and obligations.

Below, we’ll provide a detailed explanation of the key steps and requirements for LLC formation in the state:

Requirements to Form an LLC in New York

Choose a Name:

Your LLC’s name must be unique and distinguishable from existing businesses registered in New York. You can check name availability on the New York Department of State’s website.

Designate a Registered Agent:

Every New York LLC must appoint a registered agent, also known as a statutory agent, who will be responsible for receiving legal documents and official correspondence on behalf of the LLC.

The registered agent must have a physical address within New York.

File Articles of Organization:

To officially create your LLC, you need to file Articles of Organization with the New York Department of State.

This document includes essential information about your LLC, such as its name, address, and the name and address of the registered agent.

Publication Requirement:

New York has a unique publication requirement for newly formed LLCs. Within 120 days of forming your LLC, you must publish a notice of your LLC’s formation in two newspapers designated by the county clerk in the county where your LLC is located. This requirement can incur additional costs.

Operating Agreement (Optional but Recommended):

While not mandatory, it’s highly recommended to create an Operating Agreement for your LLC.

This internal document outlines the management structure, rights and responsibilities of members, and other operational details.

Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN):

You’ll need to obtain an EIN from the IRS for tax purposes. This number is necessary for federal tax reporting and employee payroll, if applicable.

Compliance Obligations:

LLCs in New York must adhere to various compliance obligations, including filing Biennial Statements every two years, paying applicable state and local taxes, and maintaining accurate records of financial transactions.

Taxes and Permits:

Depending on your LLC’s activities, you may need to obtain specific licenses or permits.

Additionally, New York has a state income tax, and LLC members report their share of income on their personal tax returns.

Foreign LLCs:

If you’re forming an LLC in New York but your business is based in another state, you may need to register your LLC as a foreign LLC with the New York Department of State.

Ongoing Compliance:

Staying compliant with state regulations is crucial. Failure to meet compliance requirements may result in penalties or the dissolution of your LLC.

Comparison with Other States

When considering where to form a Limited Liability Company (LLC), it’s essential to compare New York’s advantages with those of alternative states.

Each state has its own set of regulations, tax structures, and business environments that can significantly impact your LLC’s success.

Here, we’ll compare New York’s LLC formation advantages with those of commonly chosen alternative states and highlight what makes New York unique:

New York vs. Delaware:

Advantages of New York:

Robust business ecosystem with access to finance, talent, and a diverse customer base.

Cultural and creative hub fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Presence of major industries beyond finance, including technology, media, and healthcare.

Opportunity for international expansion due to its strategic location.

Advantages of Delaware:

Business-friendly legal framework with well-established corporate laws.

Delaware Court of Chancery specializes in business disputes.

Strong privacy protection for LLC members.

Favorable tax treatment for LLCs that do not operate within the state.

New York vs. Nevada:

Advantages of New York:

Access to Wall Street and abundant capital markets.

Diverse economy offering opportunities across various industries.

Vast cultural and creative resources.

Global reach and connectivity.

Advantages of Nevada:

No state corporate income tax or personal income tax.

Strong asset protection laws.

Minimal reporting requirements and flexibility in management structure.

No requirement for public disclosure of member names.

New York vs. Texas:

Advantages of New York:

Financial capital of the world with access to investors and capital.

Strong presence in technology, healthcare, and media sectors.

Opportunities for networking and collaboration in a competitive environment.

Gateway for international business.

Advantages of Texas:

No state income tax.

Lower overall cost of living and doing business.

Business-friendly regulatory environment.

Thriving technology and energy sectors.

What Makes New York Unique:

New York’s uniqueness lies in its unparalleled combination of a thriving business ecosystem, access to capital, cultural richness, and a diverse range of industries.

While other states may offer specific tax advantages or legal benefits, New York’s comprehensive advantages make it an attractive destination for a wide range of businesses, from startups to established corporations.

The state’s global reach and dynamic environment can provide businesses with a platform for growth and innovation.

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Statistics of LLCs in New York


In the year 2022, a total of 225,355 new Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) were formed within the state of New York.

On average, approximately 18,780 new LLCs were established each month throughout the course of the year.

March recorded the highest number of new LLC formations, with a substantial 21,455 new businesses being created during that particular month.

December marked the lowest month for new LLC formations, with a comparatively lower figure of 15,105 businesses established.

2023 (Up to September):

As of September 2023, a cumulative total of 151,505 new LLCs were formed in the state of New York.

On average, roughly 16,834 new LLCs were established each month during this period.

The highest number of new LLC formations up to September was observed in March, with 17,635 new businesses initiated.

July experienced the lowest number of new LLC formations up to September, with a count of 15,975 businesses created within that month.


In conclusion, forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in New York presents a unique blend of opportunities and challenges for businesses.

This article has explored the essential aspects of LLC formation in the state, including its advantages, disadvantages, legal requirements, and statistical insights.

New York offers several compelling advantages for businesses, including a robust business ecosystem, access to capital, a diverse talent pool, and a vibrant cultural and creative hub.

The state’s global reach and connectivity make it an attractive destination for startups and established companies alike.

However, New York also comes with its share of challenges, including high operating costs, a complex regulatory environment, and relatively high tax rates.

Navigating these hurdles may require careful planning and professional guidance.

Additional Resources

For readers seeking more information on LLC formation in New York and related topics, here is a list of valuable resources and references:

New York Department of State, Division of Corporations, State Records, and Uniform Commercial Code (UCC):

Official Website

Provides comprehensive information on LLC formation procedures, filing requirements, and online services.

New York State Department of Taxation and Finance:

Official Website

Offers guidance on state tax requirements and regulations applicable to LLCs.

Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs):

New York SBDC Network

Provides free counseling, training, and resources to help entrepreneurs and small business owners navigate the complexities of starting and managing an LLC.

New York City Bar Association:

Business and Financial Services Committee

Offers publications, events, and resources related to business law and legal aspects of LLC formation.

New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants (NYSSCPA):

Official Website

Provides accounting and tax-related guidance for LLCs and other businesses.

New York Business Express:

Official Website

A one-stop portal offering information and resources for starting, operating, and growing businesses in New York.

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