85 Names That Mean Hideous and More

Names That Mean Hideous are a unique choice for parents seeking unconventional baby names.

These names, whether for baby boys or baby girls, carry a sense of mystery and intrigue.

They evoke a sense of darkness and beauty, making them perfect for parents who want their child’s name to stand out.

Choosing a name that means hideous can be a bold statement, reflecting the parents’ desire to embrace the unconventional.

These names often have deep historical and cultural roots, adding an extra layer of meaning to the child’s identity.

While some may find these names unsettling, others see them as a celebration of individuality and uniqueness.

They can be seen as a rejection of societal norms and expectations, allowing the child to forge their own path in life.

Names That Mean Hideous can be a powerful choice for parents who want to make a statement with their child’s name.

They offer a glimpse into a world of mystery and intrigue, inviting curiosity and sparking conversations.

Whether you love them or find them unsettling, these names are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Baby Names That Mean Hideous

Gorgona-“ugly” (Greek)

Brumilda-“ugly strength” (Germanic)

Caliban-“ugly one” (Shakespearean)

Laidra-“repulsive” (Hebrew)

Vespera-“hideous evening” (Latin)

Nefarius-“wickedly ugly” (Latin)

Grimelda-“grimly beautiful” (Germanic)

Morpheus-“formless, shapeless” (Greek)

Hesper-“ugly evening” (Greek)

Nottara-“night ugly” (Romanian)

Cadavera-“corpse-like” (Latin)

Obelisk-“ugly pillar” (Greek)

Sullen-“ugly and gloomy” (English)

Stygiana-“ugly river” (Greek)

Malevolia-“ugly intentions” (Latin)

Thalassa-“hideous sea” (Greek)

Nocturna-“ugly night” (Latin)

Odiosa-“disgusting” (Spanish)

Serpenta-“serpent-like, hideous” (Latin)

Vulpina-“fox-like, ugly” (Latin)

Putresca-“rotten, putrid” (Latin)

Cacophona-“ugly sound” (Greek)

Ater-“ugly, dark” (Latin)

Odius-“hateful, ugly” (Latin)

Asymmetra-“uneven, misshapen” (Greek)

Obfuscara-“to make ugly or unclear” (Latin)

Squalida-“squalid, ugly” (Latin)

Macabra-“macabre, grim” (Latin)

Crudela-“cruel and ugly” (Italian)

Abominara-“abominable, hideous” (Latin)

Names That Mean Hideous

Boy Names That Mean Hideous

Morfran-“sea crow”(Welsh)

Grendel-“monster”(Old English)


Balor-“one-eyed monster”(Irish)


Cacodemon-“evil spirit”(Greek)

Ogron-“ogre-like creature”(Fantasy)

Keres-“death spirits”(Greek)

Mordred-“trouble, sorrow”(Arthurian)

Beelzebub-“lord of the flies”(Hebrew)

Nekros-“dead, corpse”(Greek)





Girl Names That Mean Hideous

Cacophony – “harsh sound” (Greek)

Grimhilda – “grim battle” (Germanic)

Malora – “bad omen” (Latin)

Nefaria – “wicked” (Latin)

Morbida – “morbid” (Latin)

Dysmalia – “dismal” (Greek)

Vulgaria – “vulgar” (Latin)

Lugubria – “mournful” (Latin)

Odiousa – “odious” (Latin)

Uglina – “ugly” (English)

Repellita – “repellent” (Latin)

Griselda – “gray battle” (Germanic)

Sinistra – “sinister” (Latin)

Nausia – “nauseating” (Greek)

Pallora – “pale” (Latin)

Unisex Names That Mean Hideous

Grumpletoad – “Grouch” (English)

Quibbleroot – “Sourpuss” (Fictional)

Snarlfang – “Grumpy” (Fantasy)

Moanquill – “Mournful” (Invented)

Cranklesnoot – “Irritable” (Creative)

Murmudgeon – “Murmuring Grudge” (Wordplay)

Whinewillow – “Whiny” (Nature-inspired)

Quibblesnarl – “Constant Complainer” (Playful)

Snivelgloom – “Sniveling Gloom” (Contrast)

Blusterblast – “Blustering” (Dynamic)

Grumblegale – “Grumbling Wind” (Weather-themed)

Frownshade – “Shadow of a Frown” (Imaginative)

Crabbledusk – “Crabby Dusk” (Combination)

Wailshadow – “Wailing in the Shadows” (Mystery)

Snarklethorn – “Sarcastic Thorn” (Whimsical)

Mutterbreeze – “Muttering Breeze” (Nature)

Sullenbrook – “Sullen Stream” (Geographical)

Poutspire – “Pouting Tower” (Architectural)

Grizzlequill – “Grizzly Quill” (Animal-inspired)

Scowlstone – “Scowling Stone” (Material)

Names That Mean Hideous

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Hideous

The concept of baby names that mean hideous revolves around the idea of choosing names with negative or unattractive meanings for newborns.

While it may seem unconventional, some parents find significance and symbolism in these names, using them to make a statement or convey a deeper meaning.

These names can be seen as a form of rebellion against societal norms and expectations.

By deliberately selecting a name with a negative connotation, parents challenge the traditional notions of beauty and perfection.

It can be a way to embrace uniqueness and celebrate individuality.

Furthermore, names that mean hideous can serve as a reminder of the imperfections and flaws that exist in all of us.

They can symbolize the acceptance of one’s own shortcomings and the recognition that true beauty lies beyond physical appearance.

Choosing a name with a negative meaning can also be a way to instill resilience and strength in a child.

It can teach them to embrace their differences and face adversity with confidence.

By giving them a name that challenges societal expectations, parents may hope to empower their child to overcome obstacles and thrive.

It is important to note that the concept of baby names that mean hideous is not for everyone.

Some may find it controversial or inappropriate, as names hold significant influence on a person’s identity and self-perception.

It is crucial for parents to carefully consider the potential impact of such a name on their child’s life.

In conclusion, the concept of baby names that mean hideous is a unique and unconventional approach to naming newborns.

It can carry significance and symbolism, challenging societal norms, embracing imperfections, and fostering resilience.

However, it is essential for parents to weigh the potential consequences and ensure that the chosen name aligns with their child’s well-being and future experiences.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.