451 Incredible Haunted House Names That Will Shock You

Naming a business is probably one of the hardest and most important things you’ll do. The name should be short, memorable, and designed to appeal to your target customer.

On one hand, you want a name that gets to the point. On the other hand, you want a name that’s creative and memorable.

Before you come up with a haunted house name, it is a good idea to research other businesses in your industry.

This will help you get a feel for what other haunted house names are out there and what kind of names are popular for businesses in your industry.

How do I help in naming your haunted house?

Give you haunted house name ideas and suggestions

Show you how your competitors named their businesses.

Suggest you ways to come up new and unique haunted house names.

Before jumping right into haunted house names list, let’s know what a good business name actually mean?

It is short, sweet, and simple.

It is eye grabbing and memorable.

Does not get old with time.

Does not use abbreviation.

It conveys a message about your business.

It points out your personality or professionalism.

No one has used it before.

Let’s dive into haunted house names.

What are some good haunted house names?

Are you thinking of putting together a haunted house for Halloween and in need of inspiration? If so, you have come to the right place.

A great way to start off is by coming up with a creepy and spooky name for your haunt.

Choosing the right haunted house name can set the tone for your entire event and invite guests into a world of frightful fun.

Now, coming up with a name can be a tough task. There are so many things you need to consider before making the final decision.

Haunted Beacon

House Watchtower


Backbone House

House Paramount

Haunted Allied

House Amethyst

Haunted Progress

House Operate

Post Haunted

Haunted Radiance

Haunted Million

Scary Mind

House Amber

Haunted Detect

Haunted International

Haunted Watchtower

House Crystal Company

House Exception

Haunted Grid

Haunted Atlantis

Haunted Origin

House Rare Business

House Safeguard

Haunted Emerald

House lytical Company

Scout Haunted

Haunted Pillar

Haunted District

Lookout Haunted

Haunted First

Haunted Ready

Partners House

Scary Qualified

House Horizon

Indicator Haunted

House Guardian

Haunted Beacon

Trust Haunted

House Guide

House Reliance

Scary Sky

Haunted Majestic


Label Haunted

House Vertex

House Majesty

Prospect Haunted

Haunted Continental

House Investor

Amethyst House

House Skyline

Haunted Corp

House Decide


House Enterprise

Scary Guide

Gold Haunted

House Mainstay

Haunted Claim

Scary Consulting

Haunted System

Haunted Allied

House Developed

Sense Haunted

House First Company

Haunted Immense

House Canopy

Haunted First

Jaguar Haunted

House Goddess

Opportune Haunted

House Society

House Guide

Favor House

Haunted Society

Fortune Haunted

House Domestic

Scary Backbone

Haunted Opportune


House Ready

Haunted Limitless

House Tenant

Haunted Up

Ghost Majestic

House County

Scary Engineered

House First

Houseopedia Company

Haunted House Name

What are some unique haunted house names?

Uniqueness is important, but so is the ability to inspire fear.

You want a name that will make people cringe with fear and get them excited for the frightful fun they are about to experience.

This article will help you come up with the scariest haunted house name possible.

Hut Exception


Haunted Mind

Scarry Outlook

Mansion Mortar

Unison Mansion

Mansion Acquire

Acuity Mansion

Haunted Unbound

Haunted Reliance

Mansion Review

Mansion Horizon

Mansion Bastion

Haunted Unison

Haunted Mind


Mansion Leopard

Mansion Aprt

Sense Mansion

Mansion Investor

Haunted Crusade

Mansion Luxury

Haunted Crusader

Mansion Franchise

Concord Mansion

Mansion Direct

Haunted Jade

Mansion High

Mansion Queen

Haunted Watchtower

Haunted Vista

Mansion Canopy

Mansion Plan

Haunted Reactor

Haunted Continental


Haunted Pegasus

Mansion Claim

Mansion Ruby

Haunted Worldwide

Haunted Strive

Mansion Synergist

Mansion Consulting

Support Mansion

Mansion Amber

Mansion Insignia

lance Mansion

Haunted Delicacy

Haunted Review


Mansion Allied

Mansion Oceanside

Mansion Prospect

Haunted Principal

Hut Beacon

Mansion Scout

Haunted Direct

Haunted Decision

Mansion Success

Haunted Outright

Mansion Post

Sapphire Haunted

Haunted Imperial

Exquisite Haunted

Haunted Forum

Mansion Develop

Mansion Reactor

Mansion Chateau

Haunted System

Haunted Castle

Mansion Post

Mansion Qualified

Haunted Target

Haunted Partners

Haunted Sphynx

Mansion Decide

Haunted International

Haunted Equity

Mansion Pegasus

How can you choose a haunted house name?

One of the best ways to choose a haunted house name is by thinking about the theme of your haunted house.

Themes are great because they give you an idea of what kind of characters and props you need to create.

Here are few factors to consider when choosing a haunted house name:

See your competitors names.

Pick words and names related to Haunted house.

Brainstorm some more name ideas.

Keep on adding more and more ideas.

Shortlist good names.

Avoid copying taken names.

Be sure that you love your name.

Say your Haunted house name loud.

Ask your gut.

Ask yourself if you can live with your business name for whole of your life.

What are some cool and cute haunted house names?

A cool and cute haunted house name is one that is scary but not too scary.

It’s important to give your guests a good scare, but you don’t want them to be so scared that they never come back.

If you have a good idea for a fun, cute haunted house name, we can help you.

Once you have chosen your haunted house name, you can start thinking about the theme of your haunted house.

Mansion Obelisk

Haunted Central

Mansion District

Mansion Institute

Mansion Opulence

Mansion Range

Haunted Rare

Mansion Anchor


Haunted Direct

Haunted Crusader


Mansion Accent

Mansion Major

Mansion First

Mansion Complete

Mansion Endeavor

Haunted Invision


Haunted Conveyance

Haunted Sterling

Mansion Outlook

Mansion Tiger

Haunted Grid

Mansion Trust

Brillant Mansion

Mansion Administrate

Haunted Opal

Mansion Jade

Passage Mansion

Mansion Endeavor

Mansion Vista

Mansion Developed

Cornerstone Mansion

Mansion Engineered

Haunted Tiger

Bricks Haunted

Haunted Opal

Consumer Haunted

Haunted Administrate

Haunted Class

Mansion Origin

Haunted Majestic

Mansion Structure

Seascape Mansion

Paramount Mansion

Mansion Garnet

Signature Mansion

Haunted Infinite

Mansion Virtuoso

Haunted Prospect

Shack Arrow

Mansion Ability

Shack Guider

Mansion Executive

Haunted Conveyance

Haunted Favor

Use Code :10off

Shack Operate

Mansion National

Shack Passage

Mansion Globe

Haunted Tower

Haunted Reactor

Haunted Allied

Haunted Performance

Use Code :10off

Shack Lookout

Haunted Progression

Scary Right

Haunted Synergist

Mansion Radiance

Shack Outlook

Scary Plan

Mansion Magenta

Shack Determined

Haunted Crusade

Scary Acre

Haunted Consultant

Scary Synergist

How to find untaken haunted house name ideas?

Research through internet.

Intermix words and alphabets to get to uniqueness.

Use AI based name generators.

Use Latin, Greek, Spanish or any other language you like.

Inspire your ideas from books, movies and dramas.

What are some catchy haunted house names?

A catchy haunted house name is one that sticks in your guests’ heads.

You want a haunted house name that people can tell their friends about after they leave the haunted house.

Many haunted houses have great haunted house names that are catchy. We have some examples of haunted house names below:

Haunted Affluence

Mansion Unison


Scary Performance

Get Deal

Mansion Unison

Shack Fortune

Haunted Authority


Mansion Support

Haunted Wired

Scary Canopy

Shack County

Haunted Arrow

Mansion Limitless

Shack Dynasty

Scary Accent

Mansion Claim

Haunted High

Shack Amethyst

Scary Knock

Mansion Osiris

Haunted Beacon

Scary Managed

Shack Watchtower

Haunted Structure

Mansion Accent

Shack Panther


Mansion Association

Haunted Prince

Shack Palace

Mansion Richness

Scary Celestial

Shack Professional

Mansion Vital

Haunted Villa

Scary Estate

Shack Wire

Haunted Complete

Scary Label

Mansion Network

Shack Detect

Shack Agitator

Mansion Central

Haunted Eagle

Shack Divine

Mansion Class

Scary Venture

Shack Trained

Mansion Obelisk

Haunted Fine

Shack Mainstay

Mansion Immense

Scary Crystal

Haunted Lakeview

Shack Atlantis

Mansion Intuition

Scary Villa

Shack Pursue

Haunted Mainstay

Scary Develop

Haunted Chateau

Scary Ally

Mansion Major

Shack Arrow

Haunted Infinite

Scary Developed

Mansion Ally

Shack Ruby

Mansion Origin

Shack Institute

Mansion Sapphire

Haunted View

Scary Major

Haunted Mountain

Shack Gold

Mansion Mind

Scary Pursuit

Shack Performance

Check these Also:

Where to find detailed step-by-step guide to naming a business?

Here is a step-by-step guide to naming a business. It is comprehensive and easy to understand guide.

It focuses on getting unique name ideas, how famous brand named their businesses, and how can you finalize your business name.

It includes tons of name ideas and examples to help you understand better.

What are some creative haunted house names?

A creative haunted house name is one that stands out from other haunted houses.

If you have a creative haunted house name, it will certainly attract people who want something unique and fun.

You can also attract more people to your haunted house if you have a catchy haunted house name.

Mansion Consumer

Shack Major

Haunted Omega

Mansion Ally

Scary Determined

Shack Bastion

Haunted Bricks

Mansion International

Scary Opulent

Shack Agitator

Haunted Atlantis

Scary Comman

Haunted Valley

Scary Remarkable


Mansion Synergist


Haunted Crystal

Scary Society

Haunted Sight

Scary Paramount

Haunted Mortar

Shack Favor

Mansion Review

Scary Intelligence

Shack Valley

Haunted Virtuoso

Scary Scout

Scary Palace

Scary Estate

Mansion Label

Scary Strive


Shack Chateau

Scary Professional

Scary Amethyst

Mansion Omega

Scary Luxe

Scary First

Scary Indicator


Scary Vision

Scary Beast

Scary Consumer

Mansion Limitless

Scary Primed

Scary Crusade

Scary Network

Shack Omega

Shack Lakeview

Scary Dream

Mansion Endeavor

Scary Invasion

Shack Corporation

Mansion Citadel

Shack Elysian

Mansion Executive

Shack Acknowledged

Scary Grove

Scary Investor


Shack Divine

Scary Climax

Scary Range

Mansion Class

Scary Invest

Scary Target


Scary Transition


Scary Backbone

Scary District

Mansion Forum



Can you use name generators to help in naming your business?

YES. Some business name generators are artificially intelligent. They give you brandable ideas on almost any topic.

It’s important you have a look at a few before you name your business. Here are the three most popular that I recommend:



Squad Help

What are some top haunted house names in the US?

You can find some top haunted house names by asking friends or family members what they think of when they hear the name.

You can also do some research on the Internet to see what other people are saying about the name or other haunted houses with the same theme.

Scary Clutch

Mansion Paramount

Mansion Utopia

Scary Estates US


Mansion Estate

Scary Disrupter

Mansion Exquisite US

Mansion Porcelain

Mansion Lazarus


Scary Agent US

Scary Crystal

Mansion Matrix


Mansion Pinnacle

Mansion Outlook

Scary Heritage US

Mansion High

Mansion Investor

Do you need to buy same domain name necessarily?

It should be so. However, it’s not necessary. Domain with your business name help you in your branding and marketing efforts. Therefore, it’s what you should consider.

What if you want to buy premium haunted house names?

If you still have hard time coming up with good name, you can opt you buy premium names.

You can either ask for help from a branding agency or just find a premium name and buy it.

This option can be however, expensive and cost you a part of budget that you have planned to start haunted house with.

What are some related words to haunted house?


Preyed upon

Visited by










Why you need to avoid hard to spell and technical names?

People don’t bother reading and remembering hard to spell and technical names. Therefore, it is strongly recommended avoiding such names to avoid failing.

Check out the below infographics to have more idea on how to name your business:

Check out:

How to Name Your Business

About Mehroz Sohail

Mehroz Sohail is a computer science student. He specializes in research and content writing. Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience.