503 Fun and Unique Face Mask Company Names!

Naming a business is probably one of the hardest and most important things you’ll do. The name should be short, memorable, and designed to appeal to your target customer.

On one hand, you want a name that gets to the point. On the other hand, you want a name that’s creative and memorable.

Before you come up with a face mask company name, it is a good idea to research other businesses in your industry.

This will help you get a feel for what other face mask company names are out there and what kind of names are popular for businesses in your industry.

How do I help in naming your face mask company?

Give you face mask company name ideas and suggestions

Show you how your competitors named their businesses.

Suggest you ways to come up new and unique face mask company names.

Before jumping right into face mask company names list, let’s know what a good business name actually mean?

It is short, sweet, and simple.

It is eye grabbing and memorable.

Does not get old with time.

Does not use abbreviation.

It conveys a message about your business.

It points out your personality or professionalism.

No one has used it before.

Let’s dive into face mask company names.

What are some good face mask company names?

In the current pandemic, wearing face masks is a necessary precautionary measure to help reduce the spread of disease.

With the increased demand for face masks, many entrepreneurs are seeking to start their own businesses in this field.

Choosing the right name for your business is an important decision that can have a lasting impact on both its overall success and your company’s branding.

Therefore, it is essential to consider all potential possibilities when selecting a name that works well for your business.

The Face Camouflage 

Curious Fancy Dress Co 

The Unsharp Dissemble 

Magnificent Sham 

The Disgraceful Mask 

Male Mummery 


Familiar Facade 

Female Pose 

Betray Masquerade 

The Mere 

Hideous Block Out 

Present Place 

Lovely Face 

The Greek Hide 

Drift away Masquerade 

Freckled Facial 

The Front 

Sallow Face 

Face Mask 

Motley Mardi Gras 

Disposable Camouflage Group 

The Red Masque 

Late Masquerade Costume 

Dissemble Group 

Gray Mask 

Dear Grimace Spot 

The Dangerous 

Disguises Collective 

The Surgical Disguise 

The Grim Hide 

Flushed Facial Expression 

The Flat 

Masculine Masquerade Costume 

Male Mountebank 

Narrow Side 

Longer Masquerade 

The Inner 

Familiar Forehead 

Hideous Cloak 

Masculine Minxes 

Plastic Camouflage Spot 

Palisades Masquerade 


Ugly Camouflage Place 

Fancy Dress Spot 

The Tired 

Flat Facial Expression 

Psychological Masquerade 

Straight Face 

Flushed Font 

Cloak Trading

The Famous 

Full Facial Expression 

Side Group 

The Flat Side 

Dissemble Co 

Gentle Grimace Spot 

Double Masquerade Co 

The Smooth Confront 

Merry Masquerade 

Thin Grimace Co 

The Pleasant Boldness 

Male Mockery 

Beautiful Disguises 

Foolish Parody Group 

Mere Parody Collective 

Fierce Mockery Collective 

The Subnet Conceal 

Dissemble Trading

The Ruddy 

Annual Parody Collective 

Upturned Front 

Rigid Mask 


Man Masquerade Costume 

Upturned Facial Expression Trading

Exacerbate Masquerade 

The Mere Mask 

The Like Conceal 

White Hides 

Familiar Face 

Gates Face 

The Grand Fake 

Bold Face 

Strange Masquerade 

Magnificent Mummer 

Grand Masquerade 

Honest Face 

Subnet Dissemble Group 

Full Fist 

East Cheek

Front Facial 

Bright Present Spot 

Real estate Masquerade 

Mere Melanoderma 

Comic Mask 

Full Font 

Transparent Camouflage 

Face Mask Company Names

What are some unique face mask company names?

Uniqueness is important when selecting a name for your business. It is also important to select a name that will clearly communicate the nature of your business to consumers.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of names that are both unique and representative of face mask companies.

Inseminate Masquerade 

Serious Overlook Collective 

Grave Look Trading

The Dangerous Pose 

The Big 


Tight Dissemble Place 


Brilliant Charade 


The Comic Cloak 

West Overlook 

Motley Mockery 

Like Confront 

The Delicate 



The Pretty 

Partial Camouflage Collective 

The Round 

Annual Parody Spot 

Fair Font 

Hide Pro 

Laryngeal Hide 


Remain Masquerade 

Full Facial 

Fierce Fake 

The East 


Psychological Masque Co 

The Unsharp 

Theatrical Sham Spot 

Look Collective 


Whole Front 

Hides Spot 

Farce Co 

Longer Fake 

The Smooth 




The Disposable Hides 


Flat Fount 

The North Look 

Dates Face 

Friendly Fist 

Comic Masquerade 

Full Face 

Brief Masquerade 

Castaway Masquerade 

Pleasant Masquerade Costume Group 

Masquerade Costume Group 

The Subnet 

The Yellow Present 


Mask Trading

The Hard 

Smooth Side Spot 

The Playful 

Tragic Camouflage Trading

The Pleasant 

Subnet Mask 

Man Mermen 

Conceal Place 

Front Cheek Trading

The Late Masquerade Costume 

Unsharp Disguises Trading

Monstrous Mountebank 

Yellow Hides Collective 

White Masque 

The Thin 

Mockery Pro 

Eager Side 


Gray Cloak 

The Theatrical 

Stern Side Place 

Hurricane Masquerade 

Cheerful Overlook Pro 

Friendly Forehead 

Bold Front Spot 

Masquerade Costume

Confront Spot 

Flat Front 

The Horrible Mockery 

Confront Place

How can you choose a face mask company name?

There are many factors to consider when choosing a name for your business. Some of the most important factors include:

See your competitors names.

Pick words and names related to Face mask company.

Brainstorm some more name ideas.

Keep on adding more and more ideas.

Shortlist good names.

Avoid copying taken names.

Be sure that you love your name.

Say your Face mask company name loud.

Ask your gut.

Ask yourself if you can live with your business name for whole of your life.

What are some cool and cute face mask company names?

Some of the cool and cute names for face mask companies are ones that clearly communicate the nature of your business to consumers.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of names that are both unique and representative of face mask companies.

Grimace Spot 

Upturned Grimace Trading

Mere Mask 

Nonrebreather Dissemble Place 


The Private Masquerade Costume 

The Appropriate Conceal 


The Familiar 

Present Pro 

The Yellow 



Barrell Masquerade 


The Bewildering 

Mayonnaise Masquerade 

The Universal 

Suitable Hide 

Hide Group 

Fake Pro 

Grimace Collective 

Male Mermen 

Front Fount 

The Last 

Overlook Co 

Mere Mascara 

Brilliant Fancy Dress Group 



Hideous Disguise 

Flushed Fist 

The Public 

Friendly Facial Expression 

Ancestral Fancy Dress 


The Blank 

Masquerade Costume Place 


Block Out Place 

Sallow Boldness Place 


The Bold Present 

The Successful 

Block Out Co 

The Verbal Mockery 

North Facial Expression Place 


Dark Dissemble Spot 


Subnet Cloak 

The Impenetrable Conceal 

Yellow Look 

Front Trading

Tight Disguises

Ablaze Masquerade 

Pleasant Confront Trading

Perfect Camouflage

The Perpetual Charade 

The Last Charade 


Boldness Group 

Plates Face 

Conceal Pro 

The Tawdry 

Longer Pose 

Front Place 

False face Masquerade 

Masque Co 

The Greek 

The Motley 

Sham Collective 

The Annual 

Friendly Fount 

Masquerade Collective 

Comic Parody Spot 



The Merry 

Inner Front 

Wooden Mask 

Dark Face 

The Cold 

Famous Masquerade 

Ray Masquerade 

The Fair Expression 

Cheek Pro 

The Eager Grimace 

Flat Boldness 

How to find untaken face mask company name ideas?

Research through internet.

Intermix words and alphabets to get to uniqueness.

Use AI based name generators.

Use Latin, Greek, Spanish or any other language you like.

Inspire your ideas from books, movies and dramas.

What are some catchy face mask company names?

name for a face mask company is one that is easy to remember and can be used to catch the attention of potential customers.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of names that are both unique and representative of face mask companies.

Solemn Masque

Magnificent Pose



Pleasant Boldness

Disguises Place 

Grotesque Disguises

Masculine Mummer 

The Feminine 

Front Front 

Horrible Cloak Collective 

Masque Group 

East Grimace Collective 

Farce Place 


Constant Masque

Block Out Pro 

The Monstrous 

Camouflage Spot 


Flat Facade 

The Facial 

Disguise Co 

Cloak Pro 

Cast away Masquerade 

Merry Mimes 

Mates Face 

Sallow Grimace 

Masquerade Costume

Double Mockery 

The Upturned 


Appropriate Block Out Trading

Farce Pro 

Red Front Spot 

Cates Face 

Freckled Front 

Fair Faceless 

The Verbal 

The Horrible 

Flushed Fount 

Italian Fancy Dress 

Facial Expression Trading

The Horrible Hide 

Partial Hide 

Flushed Face Up 

Fancy Dress Place 

Side Pro 

White Facial Expression Collective 

Merry Mermen 

The Round Confront 

War between the states Face 

Fitting Mask 

Ridiculous Masquerade 

The Anxious 

The Beautiful Camouflage 

Parody Collective 

Dissemble Spot 

Lean Face 

Verbal Pose 

Block Out Collective 

Dissemble Pro 

The Long 

Sallow Expression Place 

Liberate Masquerade 

Charade Spot 

Happy Face 

The Unsharp Disguises 

Fitting Cloak 

Stern Look Pro 

Valve Masque 

Elaborate Charade 

Mere Metoposcopy 

Constant Fake Group 

The Grave 

Next Masquerade 

The Pallid 

Horrible Block Out


Front Group 

The Expressive 

United states Face 

The Absurd Masquerade Costume 

White Confront Pro 

Solemn Masque Trading

Merry Mockery 

The Hideous 

Dissemble Place 

Horrible Mask 

Pallid Cheek 

Motivate Masquerade 

Face Disguise Pro 

The Human Facial Expression 

Fantastic Masquerade 

Check these Also:

Where to find detailed step-by-step guide to naming a business?

Here is a step-by-step guide to naming a business. It is comprehensive and easy to understand guide.

It focuses on getting unique name ideas, how famous brand named their businesses, and how can you finalize your business name.

It includes tons of name ideas and examples to help you understand better.

What are some creative face mask company names?

Creativity can be a great asset when it comes to naming your face mask company.

Even if you’re not the most creative person, there are a few techniques you can use to make sure your business name is both catchy and memorable.

To help you get started, we’ve compiled a list of names that are both unique and representative of face mask companies.

The Plastic Disguises 

Blue Conceal 

Boldness Trading

Last Masquerade Costume Collective 


The Dear 

Fierce Farce

Side Place 

The Nonre breather Cloak 

Front Face Up 

Long Grimace 

Dear Present

Parody Pro 

The Frozen 

The Wrinkled 

Away Masquerade 

The South 

Eager Face 

The Thin Look 

Friendly Facade 

The Yellow Cloak 

The Tired Expression 

The Brilliant 

Golden Disguises

Calm Facial Expression


Magnificent Mermen 

The Curious 

Mere Makeup 

Mask Pro 

The Solemn Pose 

White Cheek Trading

Masque Spot 

Grimace Group 

Tawdry Mask 

Replay Masquerade 

Mere Masque 

Impassive Masque Group 


The Bearded 

Tawdry Fake Place 

Brief Farce Trading

The Literary Farce 

Camouflage Place 

Gas Dissemble 

Masculine Mockery 

White Look Spot 

The Annual Farce 

The Male 


Partial Dissemble

Proclaimed Masquerade 

Impassive Masque

Strange Parody Trading


Unsharp Block Out

Interrupt Hide Trading

Manipulate Masquerade 


The Beautiful 

Valve Camouflage

Silly Fake Pro 


Expression Place 

The Constant 

Sallow Side Trading

Sallow Present Collective 



Mask Group 

Second wave Masquerade 

Female Cloak Pro 

The Eager 

Gas Masque Collective 

Eager Present

Masque Trading

Yellow Conceal 


Full Cheek 

Cheek Trading

The Partial Masque 

The Gas 


Mere Merkin 

Ugly Side 

The Whole 

Flushed Facial Expression Pro 

Male Mask Place 

The Literary Fancy Dress 

Calm Overlook Spot 

Honest Cheek Pro 

The Horrible Fancy Dress 

Flat Facial 

Nonre breather Masque Group 

Disguises Trading

Blank Masquerade Place 

Rates Face 

Ray Mask 

The Stern 

Perpetual Masquerade 

Everyday Masquerade 

Double Mask 

Relate Masquerade 

Famous Pose Place 

Friendly Facial 

The Female 

Tanned Face 

Literary Fancy Dress Trading

Grimace Pro 

The Literary 

Hides Place 

The Male Farce 

Fancy Dress Collective 

Impassive Hide Pro 

Grotesque Hides 

Farce Group 

Perfect Mask 

Magnificent Mask 

Expression Collective 

Whole Cheek Place 

Tight Masquerade Collective 

Fancy Dress Trading

Romantic Masquerade 

Celebrate Masquerade 

The Century 

Brilliant Masque Spot 

Hideous Mask 

North Face 

Surgical Mask 

The Red Hides 

Facial Expression Pro 

Wild Masquerade 

Clever Parody Group 

Successful Farce

Brown Face 

Ruddy Grimace 

The Red 

Expression Pro 

Disguise Trading

Freckled Fist 

The Late 

Anxious Facial Expression 

Facial Expression


Bearded Face 

Round Side

Man Minxes 

Veritable Masquerade 

Pose Collective 

States Face 

Can you use name generators to help in naming your business?

YES. Some business name generators are artificially intelligent. They give you brandable ideas on almost any topic.

It’s important you have a look at a few before you name your business. Here are the three most popular that I recommend:



Squad Help

What are some top face mask company names in the US?

Below are the top face mask company names in the United States.

These names were ranked according to their popularity on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, as well as Google search results.

You can use these popular face mask company names to find inspiration for your own business name.

Fair Front Pro 

The Bearded Side 

Fake Co US

Freckled Overlook Group 

Farce Trading

Grimace Trading


The Eager Expression 

Flushed Side US

Tired Side Place 

The Brief Masque 

The Green Masquerade 

Delay Masquerade 

Hides Co US

Mere Masker 

Motley Masquerade Costume 

Organization of american states Face 

Calm Cheek Pro 

Mere Mustachio  US

The Lawless Masquerade

Do you need to buy same domain name necessarily?

It should be so. However, it’s not necessary. Domain with your business name help you in your branding and marketing efforts. Therefore, it’s what you should consider.

What if you want to buy premium face mask company names?

If you still have hard time coming up with good name, you can opt you buy premium names.

You can either ask for help from a branding agency or just find a premium name and buy it.

This option can be however, expensive and cost you a part of budget that you have planned to start face mask company with.

What are some related words to face mask company?









Why you need to avoid hard to spell and technical names?

People don’t bother reading and remembering hard to spell and technical names. Therefore, it is strongly recommended avoiding such names to avoid failing.

Check out the below infographics to have more idea on how to name your business:

Check out:

How to Name Your Business
About Mehroz Sohail

Mehroz Sohail is a computer science student. He specializes in research and content writing. Currently, he is helping the NamesFrog team in producing good content for their audience.