220 Cute Boy Names That Start with “CYN”

When it comes to baby names, there are endless possibilities to choose from. Parents often seek a name that is unique and meaningful for their little one.

If you are looking for a name that starts with “CYN”, you are in luck! Not only are there several options available, but each name carries its own charm and significance.

Whether you prefer something traditional or want to explore more unconventional options, there is a “CYN” name that will perfectly suit your taste.

From classic choices like Cynthius and Cynric to more contemporary options like Cynan and Cynric, these names offer a delightful blend of strength, elegance, and individuality.

So, if you are expecting a baby boy and want to give him a name that stands out from the crowd, look no further!

In this article, we will explore a variety of boy names that start with “CYN” and uncover their origins and meanings. Get ready to discover the perfect name for your little bundle of joy!

Popular Boy Names That Start with “CYN”

Cynric – “Royal power” (English)

Cynan – “Chief” (Welsh)

Cynbel – “Beautiful dog” (Welsh)

Cyndrick – “King of the hill” (English)

Cynanthe – “Golden flower” (Greek)

Cynbert – “Bright chief” (English)

Cyntheus – “Of the moon” (Greek)

Cynwulf – “Royal wolf” (English)

Cynebert – “Bright royal” (English)

Cyneric – “Royal ruler” (English)

Cyneas – “Victorious people” (Greek)

Cyndor – “Golden gift” (English)

Cyndale – “From the valley” (English)

Cynewulf – “Royal wolf” (English)

Cynesto – “Honored stranger” (Spanish)

Cynebald – “Bold royal” (English)

Cynthor – “Gift of the moon” (Greek)

Cynele – “Like a lion” (English)

Cyndion – “Divine judgment” (Greek)

Cynleon – “Lion of the people” (English)

Cyneas – “Victorious” (Greek)

Cynefrith – “Peaceful ruler” (English)

Cynesto – “Honored” (Spanish)

Cynlan – “Son of the hero” (English)

Cyntheus – “Moon god” (Greek)

Cynwel – “Blessed chief” (Welsh)

Cynerik – “Kingly ruler” (English)

Cynfelyn – “Fair-haired chief” (Welsh)

Cynetus – “Moon-born” (Greek)

Cynley – “From the royal meadow” (English)

Boy Names That Start with "CYN"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “CYN”

Cyndor – “Golden door” (English)

Cynston – “Stony town” (English)

Cyno – “Brave one” (Greek)

Cynlay – “From the royal meadow” (English)

Cynro – “Royal protector” (English)

Cynrik – “Powerful ruler” (English)

Cynvar – “Guardian of the tribe” (English)

Cynelio – “Noble leader” (Spanish)

Cynward – “Protector of the tribe” (English)

Cynaldo – “Noble and bold” (Spanish)

Cynsley – “From the royal meadow” (English)

Cynario – “Brave defender” (Spanish)

Cynxander – “Defender of men” (Greek)

Cynsten – “Stony protector” (English)

Cynaro – “Noble guardian” (Spanish)

Cynwardo – “Protector of the tribe” (English)

Cynfro – “Strong and wise” (Welsh)

Cynal – “Noble one” (English)

Cynesto – “Honored and esteemed” (Spanish)

Cynrigo – “Royal defender” (Spanish)

Cynsio – “Brave and noble” (Spanish)

Cynver – “True friend” (English)

Cynstonio – “Stony warrior” (Spanish)

Cynberto – “Bright protector” (Spanish)

Cynaro – “Noble protector” (Spanish)

Cynfer – “Brave traveler” (English)

Cynstan – “Stony hero” (English)

Cynstenio – “Stony defender” (Spanish)

Cynmundo – “Worldly advisor” (Spanish)

Cynio – “Noble one” (English)

Unique “CYN” Names for Boys

Cynelius – “Noble lion” (English)

Cynon – “Brave warrior” (Welsh)

Cyndreo – “Divine strength” (Spanish)

Cynx – “Guardian of the forest” (English)

Cynel – “Noble and strong” (English)

Cynasto – “Steadfast defender” (Spanish)

Cynphoenix – “Resurrected hero” (English)

Cynvictor – “Victorious leader” (English)

Cynelio – “Noble sun” (Spanish)

Cyndoros – “Gift of the gods” (Greek)

Cynperegrine – “Brave traveler” (English)

Cynleonidas – “Lion-like leader” (Greek)

Cynelias – “Noble protector” (Spanish)

Cyndrus – “Strong man” (Greek)

Cynvalor – “Valiant warrior” (Spanish)

Cyntaurus – “Brave bull” (Greek)

Cynovio – “Noble life” (Spanish)

Cynphileo – “Beloved friend” (Greek)

Cyndricus – “Royal strength” (Latin)

Cynselio – “Divine protector” (Spanish)

Cynhelios – “Sun-like leader” (Greek)

Cynphoenix – “Resurrected hero” (English)

Cynbio – “Life giver” (Welsh)

Cynthorius – “Gift of the gods” (Greek)

Cynelmo – “Noble spirit” (Spanish)

Cyndrado – “Wise counselor” (Spanish)

Cynzeus – “God of honor” (Greek)

Cynpeter – “Rock-like strength” (English)

Cynvalent – “Brave and strong” (Spanish)

Cyndarian – “Protector of men” (English)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “CYN”

Cynneas – “Enduring strength” (Greek)

Cynaldo – “Old and wise” (Spanish)

Cynricus – “Ancient ruler” (Greek)

Cynstavros – “Everlasting glory” (Greek)

Cynelios – “Eternal protector” (Spanish)

Cynias – “Timeless warrior” (Greek)

Cynburn – “Eternal flame” (English)

Cynelius – “Forever noble” (English)

Cynsander – “Defender through time” (Greek)

Cynaldo – “Time-honored” (Spanish)

Cynphilo – “Lover of wisdom” (Greek)

Cynelon – “Timeless lion” (English)

Cynesto – “Time-honored” (Spanish)

Cynelias – “Eternal protector” (Spanish)

Cynseus – “Ancient god” (Greek)

Cynaro – “Forever noble” (Spanish)

Cynthor – “Timeless strength” (Greek)

Cynfidel – “Faithful through time” (English)

Cynaldo – “Old and wise ruler” (Spanish)

Cynxander – “Timeless defender” (Greek)

Cynelios – “Eternal sun” (Spanish)

Cynleon – “Timeless lion” (English)

Cynesto – “Everlasting honor” (Spanish)

Cynphilo – “Eternal friend” (Greek)

Cynesteo – “Steadfast through time” (Spanish)

Cynael – “Ancient leader” (English)

Cynphilo – “Timeless lover” (Greek)

Cynstavros – “Forever honored” (Greek)

Cynelmo – “Eternal spirit” (Spanish)

Cynphilo – “Enduring friend” (Greek)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “CYN”

Cyndor – “Golden gift” (German)

Cynais – “Heavenly” (Russian)

Cyndricko – “Kingly ruler” (Italian)

Cynovo – “New beginning” (Portuguese)

Cynerio – “From the sea” (Italian)

Cynelas – “Victorious” (Welsh)

Cyngelo – “Angel” (Italian)

Cynalo – “Bringer of peace” (Spanish)

Cynello – “Little hound” (Italian)

Cyntaro – “Brave bull” (Japanese)

Cyniko – “Sunbeam” (Japanese)

Cynasius – “Divine strength” (Greek)

Cyneon – “Eternal light” (Korean)

Cyniko – “Star child” (Japanese)

Cynario – “Daring adventurer” (Italian)

Cynluc – “Bringer of light” (Welsh)

Cynerio – “Brave guardian” (Italian)

Cynoro – “Golden heart” (Japanese)

Cynavi – “One who hears” (Sanskrit)

Cynomo – “Peaceful warrior” (Japanese)

Cynato – “Heavenly gift” (Spanish)

Cyndaro – “Strong and enduring” (Greek)

Cynuvo – “Swift and agile” (Portuguese)

Cynex – “Explorer of worlds” (Latin)

Cyndor – “Golden gate” (German)

Cynico – “Wise one” (Italian)

Cyndoro – “Gift of the gods” (Greek)

Cyniko – “Bringer of joy” (Japanese)

Cynando – “Adventurous soul” (Spanish)

Cyngelo – “Heavenly messenger” (Italian)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “CYN”

Cynaris – “From the sea” (Greek)

Cynbae – “Sweet melody” (English)

Cyndel – “Moon child” (English)

Cynaris – “Guardian of the stars” (Greek)

Cynette – “Graceful” (English)

Cynaris – “Peaceful soul” (Greek)

Cynley – “Brave traveler” (English)

Cynaris – “Bearer of light” (Greek)

Cynmar – “Beloved friend” (English)

Cynaris – “Eternal love” (Greek)

Cynrae – “Joyful spirit” (English)

Cynaris – “Harmony” (Greek)

Cynry – “Free spirit” (English)

Cynaris – “Gift of wisdom” (Greek)

Cynsage – “Wise one” (English)

Cynaris – “Healer” (Greek)

Cynskye – “Adventurous soul” (English)

Cynaris – “Divine beauty” (Greek)

Cynstorm – “Strong and resilient” (English)

Cynaris – “Warrior of peace” (Greek)

Cynvale – “Valiant protector” (English)

Cynaris – “Blessing from above” (Greek)

Cynwill – “Desire for peace” (English)

Cynaris – “Gift from the gods” (Greek)

Cynwyn – “Fair and blessed” (English)

Cynaris – “Guardian of dreams” (Greek)

Cynyx – “Mystical essence” (English)

Cynaris – “Protector of nature” (Greek)

Cynzo – “Bringer of joy” (English)

Cynaris – “Eternal strength” (Greek)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “CYN”

Cynach – “God’s peace” (Welsh)

Cynaios – “Devout worshipper” (Greek)

Cynbion – “God’s gift” (Welsh)

Cynax – “Divine strength” (English)

Cynador – “Gift from God” (Welsh)

Cynarcio – “Sacred ruler” (Spanish)

Cynasios – “Pious one” (Greek)

Cynarian – “Protector of faith” (English)

Cynbardo – “Blessed protector” (Spanish)

Cynasius – “Divinely strong” (Greek)

Cynberto – “Bright servant of God” (Spanish)

Cynchario – “Beloved by God” (Spanish)

Cynbrien – “Noble defender of faith” (English)

Cynestor – “Guardian of the divine” (Greek)

Cynbaldo – “Bold and blessed” (Spanish)

Cynfrey – “Peaceful servant of God” (English)

Cynhelm – “Divinely protected” (English)

Cynbel – “Beautiful offering” (Welsh)

Cynferno – “God’s fire” (Spanish)

Cynkos – “Devout witness” (Greek)

Cynfred – “Peaceful counselor” (English)

Cynmedio – “Honored by God” (Spanish)

Cyngeon – “God’s grace” (English)

Cynrigo – “God’s defender” (Spanish)

Cynmundo – “Worldly servant of God” (Spanish)

Cynphilo – “God’s friend” (Greek)

Cynwulf – “God’s wolf” (English)

Cynsandro – “Sacred protector” (Spanish)

Cynwell – “God’s spring” (English)

Cynzel – “Zealous for God” (English)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “CYN”

Cynric the Goth

Cynric was a 6th-century King of the West Saxons who played a significant role in Anglo-Saxon history.

Cynbel the Tertiary

Cynbel was a Welsh saint and scholar known for his contributions to religious studies.

Cynegils of Wessex

Cynegils was a 7th-century King of Wessex who converted to Christianity under the influence of Saint Birinus.

Cynfarch Oer

Cynfarch Oer, also known as Cynfarch ap Meirchion, was a legendary figure in Welsh mythology.


Cynric was a legendary king of Wessex in early British history, mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.


Cynwrig was a Welsh prince and ruler of Powys during the early medieval period.


Cynewulf was an Anglo-Saxon king of Wessex who ruled during the early 9th century.


Cynan ap Clydno was a legendary figure in Welsh mythology, often associated with adventures and quests.


Cyneweard was an Anglo-Saxon nobleman who served as an ealdorman in the Kingdom of Wessex.

Cynon ap Clydno

Cynon ap Clydno is a character from Welsh mythology, known for his adventures and feats of bravery.

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About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.