So, you decided to jump into flag industry and looking for creative flag company names to inspire and help you come up with a good name, right?
You’re in the right place. Here you’ll:
Know what a good business name means.
Find out hundreds of flag company name suggestions.
Learn how to come up with a unique name for your flag company.
Flag Company Names
Flags are one of the most visible and commonly used forms of advertising.
A flag company’s name is its most important asset, as it is the first thing that potential customers will see and remember.
The design of a flag is also important, as it must be easily recognizable by the clients and potential clients of the company.
A flag company’s name should be easy to read and stand out from the background of the flag.
Flagging is a very competitive business, so it is essential that each flag company design its logo in a way that will stand out from the other companies.
These are the cool names for flag company:
Patriotism Opus
Old Glory Boutique
Patriotism Peg
Red White and Blue
Nimble Dutiful
Patriotism Stella
Homeland Spam
Liberty Bells
Chore Homeland
Musk Patriot
North American Patriot
Dutiful Libra
Loyal Appeal
Dutiful Crescent
Patriotic Powder
We the People
Cuisine Patriotism
Patriot Gorillas
Believe in America
Patriotism Hopeful
Liberty and Justice
Pride Pique
Dutiful Mesa
Loving Patriotically
Eagle Eye
Nationalistic Livid
Patriot Presidents
Patriot Wines & Spirits
Patriotic Stocking
Patriotism Twinkle
Loyal Lettuce
Patriotic Tutoring
Bald Eagle Design
The Grand Old Flag
Patriotism Does
Conversion Patriotism
Faux Patriotic
American Heroes
Parade Float Design
Strong American
Anchor of Hope
Patriotism Avid
Lettuce Patriot
Dutiful Potion
Loyal Mecca
Liberty Ceramics
Morning Star Company
Minimal Dutiful
Patriotic Frosting
Dutiful Tunnel
Loyal Operation
America’s Comeback
America at Work
Patriotic Grid
Patriotic Patterns
Check out these:
- Catchy Slogan For Your Fashion Business
- Agarbatti Business Names and Suggestions
- Upholstery Business Names and Suggestions
How to Name Your Flag company
Consider the following points while naming your flag company:
1. Know what makes a good business name
Thousands of flag business name suggestions are there on the internet. But the question is if they are worth considering?
What I mean is that it’s not just someone’s suggestion and your approval. There are many things that you need to look at before you choose your business name.
Have a look at these characteristics and remember them while you’re shortlisting your favorite flag company names.
Also, check out these names to find some of good flag company names:
The Patriot Corporation
Patriot Films
Patriotism Nudge
Lady Liberty Hot Sauce
Detection Patriot
Lottery Patriotism
Nationalistic Heros
2. Brainstorm and make a list of flag company names
You must be able to pick out good flag names from any list by now. Also, you’ll be able to brainstorm new ideas while still keeping the necessary points in mind.
Make a list of catchy and trendy business names. Pick some ideas from the internet.
These are some of the creative flag company name ideas that I found on the internet:
Internet Nation
Palace of Wings
Quotient Patriotism
Patriotism Armada
American Dreams
Invisible Dutiful
Original American
Homeland Security
Liberty Stationery
Patriotism Enough
3. Play with words
You’ve got a list. Now, is the time to intermingle words. What you need to do is to pick a word from one idea and put it into another and fit it creatively into it.
Sometimes, it might not be possible. If you could do it, you’ll love this way of coming up with new business names.
You can also consider using a dictionary for related adjectives and synonyms.
Wordoid is a name tool that can help with intermixing words. It can help you with different name patterns, lengths, quality and even languages.
To play with words, you must find out all related words that you can use in your flag company name:
God Bless America
Patriotism Resolutions
Freedom Works
Old Glory Deli
Original Freedom
Medicinal Loyal
Primer Patriotism
Loyal Mortal
Patriotic Patients
Patriotic Design Studio
4. Keep on narrowing the list down
From time to time, you’ll see your list of names. And whenever, you feel like some ideas are not very cool to use, you should just cut them out.
And in the end, while going step-by-step, you’ll be down to a few decent business names.
I cannot narrow down all the names I have. However, I will mention some great flag names here:
Patriotism Common
Dutiful Designed
Patriotism Spigot
Dutiful Given
Patriot Lesson
Patriotic Glitz
Patriot Piper
Patriotic Punk
Woof Homeland
Patriotism Eras
Patriotic Sphinx
Patriotism Magnet
Patriotism Humans
Karachi Homeland
Infant Patriotism
Sienna Patriotism
Freedom Young
Sarasota Patriot
Team Patriot
Patriotism Doodle
Eagle Corp
Panda Patriotism
Patriotism Adjacent
Patriotism Stadium
Eagle Minds
Cypher Pride
Loyal Merciful
Patriotism Damsel
Freedom Journal
White Stripes
Loyal Zola
Patriotism Devils
Patriot Rouble
Hero Construction
Patriot Purple
American Eagle
Dutiful Zebra
5. Think about the emotion you want to evoke
It’s important to know the emotions that your flag company name will evoke in your customers.
So, decide if you’ll want it to professional, funny, creative, whimsical, or simple.
These flag company names list has name ideas on all above themes:
Patriotism Tonics
Patriotism Electrical
Patriotism Orsel
Uncle Sam Insurance
Loyal Impala
American Heritage
Dutiful Decree
Patriotic Sages
Liberty Steakhouse
Mantra Homeland
Patriot Block
Simply Red, Inc
Nationalistic Puffin
Patriot Courier
Loyal Rust
Freedom Light Bulbs
Patriotism Margin
Loyal Via
Heart Homeland
Patriotic Hip
Patriotism Damage
6. Avoid hard-to-spell and hard to remember names
It’s a digital age. Every business operates online and hence, you’ll have to as well.
And imagine if your business names spell hard and people can’t remember it! You could lose a lot of potential customers.
If your business name is easy to remember, people are gonna land right on your website.
You got to decide if these names are easy to remember:
Crown Kingship
Patriot Sima
Patriotism Climate
Patriotic Emporium
Session Patriot
Patriotic Priest
Dutiful Syndicate
7. Use a name that conveys some meaning
For small businesses with a low marketing budget, it is recommended that their business name should tell what they sell or serve.
8. Consider a name that tells a story
Friendly relations with customers are good for business. And a name that tells a story can give you a start.
So, you should have a good story to tell when your customers ask “How and why you named your company so?”
These are these top flag company names in the USA:
Patriot Vanilla
Patriotic Ling
Patriotic Ranking
Stars and Stripes
Patriotism Creation
Nationalistic This
Patriotism Giant
True Blue Cleaning
9. Make it catchy and memorable.
Well! Businesses find an increase in sales through referral marketing, usually known as “word of mouth” marketing.
Maybe, you’ve great products and services, but your company name is hard to remember to share, who would think about it?
Definitely, no-one. So, to increase your sales through referrals, your business name needs to be eye-grabbing and memorable.
Let us know if you find these flag company names catchy:
Dense Dutiful
Patriotism Blossoms
Patriotic Florist
Sierra Patriotism
Homeland Sass
Home Grown American
Loyal Visible
Patriot Thesis
Painless Patriotic
Mr Patriot
Loyal Influence
Sgt America
Patriot Power Washing
10. Don’t pick a name that limits your business growth
This point is for business owners who intend to spread their business in the future.
For instance, you name your business “313 Flag Gym”. Don’t you think it is very specific?
Maybe, you plan to be in a gym business for the whole of your life. But what if you, later on, think of spreading your business to more flag services and products?
Your business name will restrict, won’t it? Therefore, don’t be too specific, who knows what you’re gonna do in the next 10 years?
11. Consider referencing a book or movie
Many small businesses took advantage of popular characters from stories and movies. It helped their businesses and they needed relatively fewer marketing tactics.
You can do this too. However, this might not be professional for some businesses. That’s why some business owners do not consider this shortcut.
12. Conduct a thorough internet search.
To find an internet friendly name, you need thorough research. It’s important for a few reasons, including:
You would know if someone has already picked the name you wish to go for, which will give you a stop.
You’ll be able to find a name that might rank in Search Engines easily and hence, bring online traffic to your website.
Try a couple of business name generators from these popular ones:
HowtoStartFLAG Name Generators
Check out these flag name generators ideas:
Old Glory Productions
Patriotism Maroon
Loyal Gala
The Patriot Post
Patriotic Raising
Patriotic Dog Walkers
13. Consider the international portability of your company’s name
While picking a name for your flag company, you must consider if your company will provide services internationally.
International businesses should not have location-based names. On the other hand, small local businesses can opt to pick a location (city, town, country) based name.
14. Get the .com domain name
The world’s most taken TLD is .com and therefore, you should secure one for your business. Customers consider such businesses professional. Though, it’s not necessary.
You can go for other famous TLDs, in case .com is already taken i.e. .net, .org and .biz.
Want to check out right now? Here are the three most famous domain sites:
Your business site with .com TLD will look like this:
Eagle Marketing
15. Conduct a trademark search
Internet research could tell you if some business operates on that name that you’re planning to choose.
To know whether it is trademarked or not, you should visit You can also visit the concerned department.
16. Get feedback on the name
Naming a business isn’t a small thing…you could do it, but it’s better that you use other’s minds too.
Gather your friends and family members. Ask for feedback on your favorite company names. You could use the help of your office colleagues as well.
17. Make sure the name sounds good when said aloud
Some business names seem good on just paper. And they sound awful. So, what’s the solution here? Say them aloud a few times, so you would know that you won’t start hating it soon.
Say these flag company names aloud:
Patriot Cuba
American Rose
Homeland Camps
Jargon Patriot
Patriot Modal
Patriotic Leverage
Patriotism Diagnosis
Nationalistic Advantage
18. Use resources available for brainstorming the flag company name ideas
There are hundreds of resources out there that could give you suggestions on flag company names. Some of the most popular are:
Shopify Name Generator
Some of the cool handpicked flag company name ideas from the above resources are here:
All American Store
Patriotic Dish
World of Flags
Mount Olympus
Dutiful Etiquette
Patriotic Purge
Patriot X
American Icons
Patriotism Magnum
19. Make sure you are personally happy with the name
You’re to live with the selected name for long. So, what you think matters the most.
Therefore, make sure you’re personally happy with it.
Among the below names, with which flag company you think can live for long?
Higher Glory
Dutiful Sprocket
Pate Patriot
Loyal Lippy
Loyal Jungle
Patriotic Onyx
Saloon Homeland
Brainy Patriotic
Dutiful Database
Good Old American
Loyal Nara
Loyal Needed
Patriot Socket
Plymouth Nation
The Flagpole Company
Loyal Greenhouse
Liberty Funding
Patriotism Powerful
American Avenue
Dutiful Assistant
Amber Dawn
Patriot Mail
Star-Spangled Store
Nation Frontiers
Uprising Warriors
Dutiful Management
Dutiful Coda
Element Patriotism
The Bald Eagle
Patriotic Stylish
Political Patriotic
Nationalistic Mist
Ovation Patriotism
Carob Patriot
The Freedom Nation
Patriot Aura
The Mad Patriot
Native American
Emir Patriotism
Loyal Grape
Dutiful Element
The Advocate
Dutiful Minute
Sienna Homeland
American Patriotism
Patriotic Monitoring
The Great Patriot
Patriotic Cheer
Patriotism Emergence
Nation Vega
Nation Captain
Loyal Eagles
Dutiful Carat
Patriotism Pride
Loyal Suck
Paradise Patriotism
Loyal Brush
Patriotic Clothing
Patriotic Plume
Patriotism Buckle
Patriot Is Mobile
Loyal Socket
Patriotism Yoga
Homeland Horoscope
Patriotic Pus
America Unlimited
Patriot Is Mammal
Flag-Ette Designs
Liberty Lighting Inc
Patriot Kisses
Red, White & Blue
Patria Bond
Patriot Scrunch
Peach Blossom
American Energy
Patriotism Partisan
Nationalistic Nurture
Patriot Power Tools
Solon Patriotism
America’s First Choice
American Greetings
Internal Dutiful
Seagull Patriotism
Patriotism Cut
Eagle’s Flight
America Mart
Nationalistic Sere
Homeland Waters
Freedom Phone
Dutiful Glove
Malva Patriotism
America’s Finest
Northern Comfort
Nation Plunge
Patriotism Grateful
Patriotism Giants
Founding Fathers
Dutiful Duel
Academia Patriotism
Patriotism Campus
Loyal Riddle
Dutiful Funnel
Patriot Armada
Patriotic Prowl
Patriot Witch
Patriotism Lumen
Heart of America
Patriotism Sentinel
Loyal Function
Patriotism Squadron
Apex Patriotism
Banyan Patriotism
Dutiful Oven
American Beauty
Development Patriot
Patriot Ideas
Nationalistic Benefit
More Name Ideas: