220 Delightful Boy Names That Start with “NYX”

Choosing a unique name for your baby boy can be quite a challenge. If you’re looking for a name that starts with “NYX,” you’re in luck!

This rare and distinctive letter combination sets the stage for finding a truly one-of-a-kind name for your little one.

With its uncommon sound and distinctiveness, “NYX” is sure to make any name stand out from the crowd.

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of boy names that start with “NYX” and delve into their origins and meanings.

Whether you’re drawn to names that are rooted in mythology or have a modern, cutting-edge appeal, there’s sure to be a “NYX” name that resonates with you.

From ancient Greek deities to contemporary, edgy monikers, these “NYX” names are bound to pique your interest and inspire you in your quest for the perfect name for your son.

So sit back, relax, and let’s dive into this fascinating world of boy names that start with “NYX.”

Popular Boy Names That Start with “NYX”

Nyxander – “Defender of the night” (English)

Nyxtan – “Dawn of the night” (English)

Nyxtonio – “Victorious night” (Spanish)

Nyxarco – “Brave night” (Spanish)

Nyxanderas – “Protector of the night” (Greek)

Nyxophon – “Voice of the night” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Courageous night” (Spanish)

Nyxas – “Gentle night” (Greek)

Nyxton – “Town of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Noble night” (Spanish)

Nyxanderos – “Majestic night” (Greek)

Nyxtian – “He who belongs to the night” (English)

Nyxanto – “Enduring night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Lover of the night” (Greek)

Nyxel – “Light of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Resolute night” (Spanish)

Nyxias – “Belonging to the night” (Greek)

Nyxen – “Gift of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Wise night” (Spanish)

Nyxion – “Strong like night” (Greek)

Nyxenio – “Graceful night” (Spanish)

Nyxarios – “Nurturer of the night” (Greek)

Nyxanderes – “Admirable night” (English)

Nyxanto – “Charismatic night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Bearer of the night” (Greek)

Nyxarian – “Peaceful night” (English)

Nyxario – “Faithful night” (Spanish)

Nyxio – “Pious night” (Greek)

Nyxtin – “Loyal night” (English)

Nyxario – “Famous night” (Spanish)

Boy Names That Start with "NYX"

Modern Boy Names That Start with “NYX”

Nyxlon – “Energetic spirit of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Innovative night” (Spanish)

Nyxtonos – “Trendsetting night” (Greek)

Nyxian – “Futuristic night” (English)

Nyxario – “Tech-savvy night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Visionary of the night” (Greek)

Nyxtinio – “Dynamic night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Eccentric night” (Greek)

Nyxtron – “Adventurous spirit of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Creative night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Inquisitive night” (Greek)

Nyxenzo – “Artistic night” (English)

Nyxario – “Inventive night” (Spanish)

Nyxikos – “Imaginative night” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Bold and daring night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Groundbreaking night” (Greek)

Nyxenix – “Unconventional night” (English)

Nyxario – “Progressive night” (Spanish)

Nyxikos – “Revolutionary night” (Greek)

Nyxtron – “Ambitious spirit of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Resourceful night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Enterprising night” (Greek)

Nyxenzo – “Strategic night” (English)

Nyxario – “Resilient night” (Spanish)

Nyxikos – “Persistent night” (Greek)

Nyxaris – “Empowered night” (Spanish)

Nyxelios – “Radiant night” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Harmonious night” (English)

Nyxikos – “Unified night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Collaborative night” (Greek)

Unique “NYX” Names for Boys

Nyxlonis – “Mysterious night creature” (English)

Nyxario – “Whimsical night” (Spanish)

Nyxios – “Soulful night” (Greek)

Nyxenigma – “Enigmatic night” (English)

Nyxario – “Serendipitous night” (Spanish)

Nyxellis – “Starlit night” (Greek)

Nyxanderix – “Harbinger of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Ephemeral night” (Spanish)

Nyxikon – “Cryptic night” (Greek)

Nyxolite – “Luminescent night” (English)

Nyxario – “Lullaby of the night” (Spanish)

Nyxeros – “Echoes of the night” (Greek)

Nyxavor – “Nocturnal dreamer” (English)

Nyxario – “Astrological night” (Spanish)

Nyxisphere – “Celestial night” (Greek)

Nyxelar – “Veiled in night” (English)

Nyxario – “Orchestrated night” (Spanish)

Nyxentaur – “Mythical night centaur” (Greek)

Nyxture – “Nighttime adventurer” (English)

Nyxario – “Whispering night” (Spanish)

Nyxiosys – “Nighttime mystic” (Greek)

Nyxient – “Sentinel of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Temporal night” (Spanish)

Nyxolade – “Night’s embrace” (Greek)

Nyxavian – “Avian night wanderer” (English)

Nyxario – “Vibrant night” (Spanish)

Nyxolyte – “Lustrous night” (Greek)

Nyxarisol – “Illuminated night” (Spanish)

Nyxephyr – “Night breeze” (Greek)

Nyxtorian – “Nighttime storyteller” (English)

Timeless Boy Names Starting with “NYX”

Nyxanderon – “Eternal night” (English)

Nyxario – “Timeless night” (Spanish)

Nyxagoras – “Ancient night” (Greek)

Nyxentine – “Everlasting night” (English)

Nyxario – “Perpetual night” (Spanish)

Nyxelios – “Time-honored night” (Greek)

Nyxarius – “Timekeeper of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Immutable night” (Spanish)

Nyxalonis – “Timeless soul of the night” (Greek)

Nyxentus – “Endless night” (English)

Nyxario – “Infinite night” (Spanish)

Nyxalon – “Timeless spirit of the night” (Greek)

Nyxorian – “Time-tested night” (English)

Nyxario – “Unchanging night” (Spanish)

Nyxephilos – “Lover of timeless nights” (Greek)

Nyxalion – “Eternal flame of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Ageless night” (Spanish)

Nyxarion – “Timeless ruler of the night” (Greek)

Nyxellion – “Timeless charm of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Classic night” (Spanish)

Nyxotis – “Timeless essence of the night” (Greek)

Nyxarios – “Timeless warrior of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Steadfast night” (Spanish)

Nyxetheus – “Timeless bringer of the night” (Greek)

Nyxeris – “Timeless poet of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Soothing night” (Spanish)

Nyxelius – “Timeless wisdom of the night” (Greek)

Nyxorian – “Timeless wanderer of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Enduring night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Timeless strength of the night” (Greek)

Exotic and Foreign Boy Names Starting with “NYX”

Nyxaviar – “Moonlight adventurer” (Latin)

Nyxarito – “Secrets of the night” (Italian)

Nyxenzo – “Mystical night” (Italian)

Nyxalio – “Eternal moonlight” (Italian)

Nyxiosco – “Nightfall” (Spanish)

Nyxarion – “Nocturnal essence” (French)

Nyxanor – “Keeper of the night” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Whispering moon” (Italian)

Nyxeris – “Lunar strength” (Spanish)

Nyxarisol – “Moonlit illumination” (French)

Nyxenzo – “Lullaby of the night” (Italian)

Nyxarian – “Celestial wanderer” (Greek)

Nyxavo – “Nighttime enchantment” (Portuguese)

Nyxario – “Midnight revelation” (Italian)

Nyxikos – “Infinite night” (Greek)

Nyxarico – “Moonlit conqueror” (Spanish)

Nyxario – “Eclipsed dream” (Italian)

Nyxianos – “Lunar grace” (Portuguese)

Nyxentaur – “Starlit centaur” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Silent moon” (Italian)

Nyxalonis – “Lunar soul” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Moonlit strength” (French)

Nyxario – “Serenade of the night” (Italian)

Nyxelar – “Lunar veil” (Portuguese)

Nyxarios – “Moonlit warrior” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Night’s melody” (Italian)

Nyxalio – “Eternal moonlight” (French)

Nyxaris – “Nocturnal power” (Portuguese)

Nyxario – “Lunar symphony” (Italian)

Nyxikon – “Cryptic night” (Greek)

Gender-Neutral Baby Names That Start With “NYX”

Nyxelan – “Enchanting night” (English)

Nyxario – “Neutral night” (Spanish)

Nyxylon – “Gender-neutral spirit of the night” (Greek)

Nyxentio – “Versatile night” (English)

Nyxario – “Adaptable night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Ambiguous night” (Greek)

Nyxorian – “Non-binary night” (English)

Nyxario – “Inclusive night” (Spanish)

Nyxellis – “Unspecified night” (Greek)

Nyxantine – “Fluid night” (English)

Nyxario – “Open-minded night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Indeterminate night” (Greek)

Nyxemis – “Mysterious night” (English)

Nyxario – “Undecided night” (Spanish)

Nyxelios – “Non-conforming night” (Greek)

Nyxentro – “Boundary-breaking night” (English)

Nyxario – “Limitless night” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “Neutral energy of the night” (Greek)

Nyxorian – “All-encompassing night” (English)

Nyxario – “Equality in the night” (Spanish)

Nyxarisol – “Balanced night” (Greek)

Nyxylan – “Harmony in the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Equitable night” (Spanish)

Nyxisis – “Inclusive spirit of the night” (Greek)

Nyxario – “Unity in the night” (English)

Nyxentis – “Neutral essence” (Spanish)

Nyxaris – “All-embracing night” (Greek)

Nyxeris – “Indistinct night” (English)

Nyxario – “Unbiased night” (Spanish)

Nyxylonis – “Gender-neutral soul of the night” (Greek)

Religious Names for Boys Starting with “NYX”

Nyximus – “Devout night” (English)

Nyxario – “Pious night” (Spanish)

Nyxanderus – “Holy protector of the night” (Greek)

Nyxarian – “Faithful night” (English)

Nyxario – “Godly night” (Spanish)

Nyxophilos – “Lover of the divine night” (Greek)

Nyxentius – “Dedicated night” (English)

Nyxario – “Saintly night” (Spanish)

Nyxangelos – “Messenger of the night” (Greek)

Nyxeraph – “Seraphic night” (English)

Nyxario – “Blessed night” (Spanish)

Nyxelios – “Divinely radiant night” (Greek)

Nyxarian – “Sacred night” (English)

Nyxario – “Consecrated night” (Spanish)

Nyxophilus – “Friend of the divine night” (Greek)

Nyxaris – “Heavenly night” (English)

Nyxario – “Anointed night” (Spanish)

Nyxionysius – “Divine essence of the night” (Greek)

Nyxenoch – “Godly nightfall” (English)

Nyxario – “Spiritual night” (Spanish)

Nyxagoras – “Reverent night” (Greek)

Nyxelian – “God’s grace in the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Ceremonial night” (Spanish)

Nyxariel – “God’s messenger in the night” (Greek)

Nyxenias – “Divine gift of the night” (English)

Nyxario – “Religious night” (Spanish)

Nyxotios – “God’s way in the night” (Greek)

Nyxarimus – “Righteous night” (English)

Nyxario – “Profoundly religious night” (Spanish)

Nyxagelion – “God’s message in the night” (Greek)

Famous Male Persons Having Names Starting with “NYX”


Nyxander is a charismatic and innovative entrepreneur, known for his leadership in the tech industry. He is passionate about creating sustainable solutions for a brighter future.


Nyxarius is an adventurous traveler and photographer who captures the essence of diverse cultures. His images tell stories of exploration and unity.


Nyxentus is a talented musician with a soulful voice, enchanting audiences with his timeless melodies. He is dedicated to spreading positivity through his music.


Nyxelar is a mysterious and introspective writer, weaving intricate tales that transport readers to fantastical realms. His words have a profound impact on those who delve into his stories.


Nyxalion is a skilled martial artist, combining discipline and grace in his practice. He embodies the strength and resilience of a warrior under the moonlight.


Nyxorian is a visionary architect, known for creating structures that blend seamlessly with nature. His designs reflect a harmonious balance between innovation and environmental consciousness.


Nyxelios is a compassionate healer, dedicated to bringing comfort and solace to those in need. His gentle presence and empathetic nature make him a pillar of support.


Nyxarico is a charismatic diplomat, fostering understanding and cooperation between diverse communities. His diplomatic skills contribute to global harmony.


Nyxtorian is a wise philosopher, offering profound insights into the mysteries of life. His teachings inspire others to seek knowledge and enlightenment.


Nyxarios is a visionary scientist, pushing the boundaries of exploration in the cosmos. His groundbreaking discoveries open new frontiers in our understanding of the universe.

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About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.