100 Names That Mean Criminal and More

Names That Mean Criminal or have very related meaning. In this article, we will explore baby boy and baby girl names that carry a criminal connotation.

These names evoke a sense of rebellion, intrigue, and mystery.

Whether you are looking for a unique name for your child or simply fascinated by the darker side of human nature, Names That Mean Criminal offer a captivating choice.

When choosing a name for your baby, you may want to consider the symbolism and meaning behind it.

Names That Mean Criminal can be a powerful way to express individuality and strength.

These names often have historical or cultural significance, reflecting the stories of infamous figures or the allure of the underworld.

While some may associate criminality with negative traits, Names That Mean Criminal can also represent resilience and determination.

They can inspire a sense of rebellion against societal norms or serve as a reminder of the complexities of human nature.

These names carry a certain mystique and can make a bold statement.

Whether you are drawn to the allure of the criminal world or simply appreciate the unique and unconventional, Names That Mean Criminal offer a range of options for your baby boy or baby girl.

From names inspired by notorious outlaws to those that symbolize rebellion and defiance, these names can add a touch of intrigue to your child’s identity.

Explore the possibilities and find a name that resonates with your own sense of adventure.

Baby Names That Mean Criminal

Rogan-“red-handed thief” (Irish)

Malandra-“scheming planner” (Greek)

Vandal-“destructive troublemaker” (Latin)

Sable-“shadowy criminal” (French)

Delin-“lawbreaker” (Spanish)

Mischief-“playful troublemaker” (English)

Noir-“dark conspirator” (French)

Racket-“illegal enterprise” (English)

Feloni-“felonious offender” (Italian)

Culprit-“guilty party” (English)

Shyster-“unscrupulous schemer” (German)

Bandito-“outlaw” (Spanish)

Iniqua-“wicked one” (Latin)

Ruffian-“violent thug” (English)

Grifter-“deceptive swindler” (English)

Skulker-“sneaky lurker” (English)

Infra-“below the law” (Latin)

Guilt-“wrongful action” (English)

Covert-“hidden offender” (English)

Snare-“tricky trap-setter” (English)

Crypt-“secret wrongdoer” (Greek)

Larceny-“theft” (English)

Wylie-“crafty deceiver” (Scottish)

Nefer-“dishonest one” (Egyptian)

Slink-“sly and elusive” (English)

Ransack-“to plunder” (Old Norse)

Ruse-“clever trick” (French)

Havoc-“widespread destruction” (English)

Abyss-“bottomless pit” (Greek)

Devious-“mischievously cunning” (English)

Names That Mean Criminal

Boy Names That Mean Criminal

1. Rocco – “rest” (Italian)

2. Bandit – “outlaw” (English)

3. Clyde – “river’s mouth” (Scottish)

4. Damon – “to tame” (Greek)

5. Felon – “criminal” (English)

6. Gunner – “warrior” (Scandinavian)

7. Loki – “trickster” (Norse mythology)

8. Maverick – “independent” (American)

9. Nero – “strong” (Italian)

10. Outlaw – “lawbreaker” (English)

11. Rogue – “dishonest” (English)

12. Sinner – “wrongdoer” (English)

13. Thief – “stealer” (English)

14. Villain – “evil-doer” (English)

15. Wyatt – “brave in war” (English)

Girl Names That Mean Criminal

Riker – “bold ruler” (German)

Kaelan – “warrior” (Irish)

Zephyr – “west wind” (Greek)

Draco – “dragon” (Latin)

Caius – “rejoice” (Latin)

Soren – “stern” (Danish)

Thorne – “thorny bush” (English)

Darian – “upholder of the good” (Persian)

Vex – “to disturb” (Latin)

Larkin – “fierce” (Irish)

Zaire – “river” (African)

Orion – “hunter” (Greek)

Kieran – “dark-haired” (Irish)

Rook – “crow” (English)

Jaxon – “son of Jack” (English)

Maven – “one who understands” (Yiddish)

Zephyros – “west wind” (Greek)

Nikolai – “victory of the people” (Russian)

Onyx – “black gemstone” (Greek)

Quillon – “sword” (Latin)

Jareth – “to possess” (English)

Xander – “defender of the people” (Greek)

Knox – “round hill” (Scottish)

Moros – “doom” (Greek)

Jett – “black gemstone” (English)

Zethan – “gift of God” (Hebrew)

Damien – “to tame” (Greek)

Kael – “slender” (Gaelic)

Zephyrin – “west wind” (Greek)

Rylan – “island meadow” (English)

Unisex Names That Mean Criminal

Raven-“dark and mysterious” (English)

Zephyr-“west wind” (Greek)

Nyx-“night” (Greek)

Dashiell-“page boy” (French)

Indigo-“deep blue” (English)

Orion-“hunter” (Greek)

Seraph-“fiery, burning” (Hebrew)

Vale-“to steal” (Latin)

Sable-“dark” (French)

Caius-“rejoice” (Latin)

Moro-“dark-skinned” (Italian)

Vesper-“evening star” (Latin)

Nox-“night” (Latin)

Thorne-“thorn bush” (English)

Circe-“bird” (Greek)

Eclipse-“to conceal” (Latin)

Lucian-“light” (Latin)

Marlowe-“remnant of a lake” (Old English)

Onyx-“black gemstone” (Greek)

Lysander-“liberator” (Greek)

Daelan-“small valley” (Irish)

Soren-“stern” (Danish)

Umbra-“shadow” (Latin)

Darian-“upholder of the good” (Greek)

Zephyrine-“west wind” (Greek)

Tyrian-“rich purple” (Phoenician)

Arden-“eagle valley” (English)

Selene-“moon” (Greek)

Cassian-“hollow” (Latin)

Obsidian-“volcanic glass” (Latin)

Names That Mean Criminal

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Criminal

Choosing a name for your baby is an important decision that holds great significance. Some parents may opt for names that have a deeper meaning or symbolism.

One such unique concept is selecting baby names that mean criminal.

The significance behind names that mean criminal lies in their ability to convey strength, resilience, and a sense of rebellion.

These names can be seen as a reflection of the parents’ desire to instill a strong and independent spirit in their child.

Symbolically, names that mean criminal can represent the idea of breaking societal norms and challenging the status quo.

They can serve as a reminder to embrace individuality and stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity.

While some may view these names as controversial or unconventional, they can also be seen as a way to reclaim and redefine the concept of criminality.

By giving their child a name associated with criminality, parents may aim to challenge stereotypes and promote a more inclusive and accepting society.

It is important to note that choosing a name that means criminal should be done with careful consideration and respect.

Parents should be mindful of the potential impact it may have on their child’s life and how it may be perceived by others.

Ultimately, the concept of baby names that mean criminal is a personal choice that reflects the values and aspirations of the parents.

It can be a powerful way to celebrate individuality, challenge societal norms, and encourage a strong sense of self in their child.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.