80 Names That Mean Wickedness and More

Names That Mean Wickedness: Discover the intriguing world of baby names with dark connotations.

Uncover the hidden meanings behind names for both baby boys and girls that evoke a sense of wickedness or have closely related associations.

Delve into this captivating collection of names that exude a mysterious allure and explore the depths of their sinister origins.

Unleash your curiosity as we unveil a compilation of names that embody wickedness in its various forms.

From names that evoke a sense of mischief and rebellion to those that symbolize darkness and malevolence, this article will take you on a journey through the realm of unconventional baby names.

Explore the allure of names that carry a hint of wickedness, allowing you to embrace the unconventional and stand out from the crowd.

Whether you seek a name that exudes a sense of rebellion or one that embodies a darker, more mysterious persona, this compilation will provide you with a plethora of options to choose from.

Prepare to be captivated by the allure of Names That Mean Wickedness, as we delve into the realm of unconventional baby names and uncover the hidden meanings behind these intriguing choices.

Embark on a journey of discovery as you explore the depths of wickedness and embrace the unconventional in your quest for the perfect name for your little one.

Baby Names That Mean Wickedness

Malach-“evil one” (Hebrew)

Keres-“destructive spirits” (Greek)

Daimon-“demon” (Greek)

Akuma-“devil” (Japanese)

Belial-“worthless” (Hebrew)

Diabolos-“slanderer” (Greek)

Nefarious-“wicked” (Latin)

Mordred-“evil advisor” (Arthurian)

Vipera-“snake” (Latin)

Ravana-“demon king” (Hindu)

Lilith-“night monster” (Hebrew)

Erebus-“darkness” (Greek)

Hecate-“queen of witches” (Greek)

Maleficent-“doing evil or harm” (English)

Asmodeus-“demon of wrath” (Persian)

Caliban-“evil spirit” (Shakespearean)

Morgana-“sea circle” or “dweller of the sea” (Arthurian)

Pandora-“all-giving” (Greek)

Styx-“hateful” (Greek)

Mephistopheles-“not loving the light” (German)

Nyx-“night” (Greek)

Ahriman-“destructive spirit” (Persian)

Gehenna-“place of fiery punishment” (Hebrew)

Mara-“tempter” (Sanskrit)

Tiamat-“chaos” (Babylonian)

Chernobog-“black god” (Slavic)

Beelzebub-“lord of the flies” (Hebrew)

Aku-“evil” (Japanese)

Nergal-“god of war and pestilence” (Mesopotamian)

Azazel-“scapegoat” (Hebrew)

Names That Mean Wickedness

Boy Names That Mean Wickedness

1. Cain – “Possessed” (Hebrew)

2. Loki – “Trickster” (Norse)

3. Damien – “To tame” (Greek)

4. Malachi – “My messenger” (Hebrew)

5. Nero – “Strong, vigorous” (Latin)

6. Judas – “Praised” (Hebrew)

7. Lucifer – “Light-bringer” (Latin)

8. Ahriman – “Evil spirit” (Persian)

9. Mephistopheles – “Not loving the light” (Greek)

10. Ravana – “Roaring” (Sanskrit)

11. Iblis – “Despair” (Arabic)

12. Azazel – “Scapegoat” (Hebrew)

13. Bael – “To devour” (Hebrew)

14. Beelzebub – “Lord of the flies” (Hebrew)

15. Moloch – “King” (Hebrew)

Girl Names That Mean Wickedness

1. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew)

2. Medea – “Cunning sorceress” (Greek)

3. Morgan – “Sea circle” (Welsh)

4. Bellatrix – “Female warrior” (Latin)

5. Maleficent – “Evil sorceress” (English)

6. Hecate – “Goddess of witchcraft” (Greek)

7. Jezebel – “Impure” (Hebrew)

8. Circe – “Enchantress” (Greek)

9. Delilah – “Seductress” (Hebrew)

10. Pandora – “All-gifted” (Greek)

11. Morgana – “Sea fortress” (Welsh)

12. Ravenna – “Blackbird” (Italian)

13. Lamia – “Demon of the night” (Greek)

14. Salome – “Peaceful” (Hebrew)

15. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew)

16. Medea – “Cunning sorceress” (Greek)

17. Morgan – “Sea circle” (Welsh)

18. Bellatrix – “Female warrior” (Latin)

19. Maleficent – “Evil sorceress” (English)

20. Hecate – “Goddess of witchcraft” (Greek)

21. Jezebel – “Impure” (Hebrew)

22. Circe – “Enchantress” (Greek)

23. Delilah – “Seductress” (Hebrew)

24. Pandora – “All-gifted” (Greek)

25. Morgana – “Sea fortress” (Welsh)

26. Ravenna – “Blackbird” (Italian)

27. Lamia – “Demon of the night” (Greek)

28. Salome – “Peaceful” (Hebrew)

29. Lilith – “Night monster” (Hebrew)

30. Medea – “Cunning sorceress” (Greek)

Unisex Names That Mean Wickedness

1. Aeron – “Battle” (Welsh)

2. Blair – “Field of battle” (Scottish)

3. Cade – “Round, barrel” (English)

4. Damon – “To tame, to subdue” (Greek)

5. Darcy – “Dark one” (Irish)

6. Devlin – “Fierce courage” (Irish)

7. Draco – “Dragon” (Greek)

8. Elric – “Ruler of the elves” (English)

9. Fallon – “Leader” (Irish)

10. Jareth – “To possess” (Hebrew)

11. Kali – “Black one” (Hindi)

12. Loki – “Trickster” (Norse)

13. Maven – “Expert” (Yiddish)

14. Raven – “Dark-haired” (English)

15. Salem – “Peace” (Arabic)

16. Soren – “Stern” (Danish)

17. Tempest – “Stormy” (English)

18. Thorn – “Sharp point” (English)

19. Vesper – “Evening star” (Latin)

20. Zephyr – “West wind” (Greek)

Names That Mean Wickedness

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Concept of Baby Names That Mean Wickedness

The concept of “Baby Names That Mean Wickedness” refers to the practice of choosing names for babies that have a negative or sinister connotation.

These names are often associated with darkness, evil, or mischief.

While it may seem unusual to intentionally give a child a name with such negative implications, some parents are drawn to these names for various reasons.

For some, it may be a way to express their unique and unconventional style, while others may find the allure of the mysterious and enigmatic nature of these names appealing.

The significance of choosing names that mean wickedness lies in the desire to stand out and make a statement.

These names can be seen as a form of rebellion against societal norms and expectations.

They challenge traditional ideas of what a name should represent and can be a way for parents to assert their individuality and nonconformity.

Symbolically, names that mean wickedness can represent a certain strength and resilience.

They can be seen as a reflection of the human capacity to overcome adversity and embrace the darker aspects of life.

These names can also serve as a reminder that life is not always black and white, and that there is beauty and growth even in the shadows.

It is important to note that the choice of a name is a deeply personal decision for parents.

While some may find names that mean wickedness intriguing and powerful, others may prefer names that convey positivity and light.

Ultimately, the significance and symbolism of a name lie in the meaning and associations that individuals attach to it.

About Georgia Stone

Georgia Stone is a seasoned baby name writer, blending tradition with innovation to offer meaningful and diverse naming options. Her work reflects a deep passion for linguistic creativity, cultural significance, and historical trends.